Top 10 dyslexia friendly books

Dyslexia friendly books – the list! Do you have a reluctant reader or a child who struggles when reading alone? Take a look at this list for the most popular dyslexia friendly books for kids of all ages. Watch as your child develops a love of reading you never...

Dyslexia Awareness Month

October is dyslexia awareness month and that gives me a chance to focus on a subject that I’m very passionate about. Mind your p’s and q’s Reading and writing is something the majority of us take for granted after a certain age. But can you imagine how you...

Internet safety for kids

Internet safety for kids should be a priority in every home!  It’s so important to keep up-to-date with what’s happening online, but it’s also pretty overwhelming as there is so much information to wade through! My hope is that with this blog I can...

When a pet dies – how to tell your children

Unfortunately over the last year, I’ve become experienced in supporting my child when a pet dies. Having rescued four cats within the same year of us moving to Thailand, three of them have just passed away within a year of each other (aged14/15), and in between that,...

Pug life. Chats with Boris

It’s not easy telling a pug he needs to lose weight… Poor old Boris … in the twilight of his pug life and constantly being told by the vet that he’s too fat. He doesn’t care!  He lives for food… Doesn’t matter what it is –...