The best apps for dysgraphia

Help! My child hates writing. The top tools and apps for dysgraphia Before discussing tools and apps for dysgraphia, let’s have a look at what dysgraphia actually is. Kids with dysgraphia will generally have unclear and inconsistent handwriting. They also tend to...

Shopping, Coffee, Home, Repeat

I was feeling very smug earlier as I had finished the last few bits of birthday and party shopping with a whole couple of days to spare!! My car was in the garage after an earlier ‘prang’ so I ordered a taxi and got a coffee while I waited. I was feeling smug the...

Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day and therefore what better topic to blog about than keeping our kids safe while they are online. Had it not been for Safer Internet Day, I probably wouldn’t have given this much thought for the next few months. My kids aren’t old enough for...

Bat out of hell – Oh what a night!

Never thought I’d become the crazy bat lady! One night a few years ago, Chas was at a conference in Bangkok and I found myself alone with two young children. Ella was about 2½ and Ariya about 6 months. It was fairly late, the girls were asleep and I was enjoying...

Nativity nightmare with a hangover

It was the last day of term and time for the long-awaited school nativity before the Christmas break and I was horribly hungover after enjoying a few too many wines at a friend’s leaving party the night before. I’d woken up late, so literally only had time to throw...