Famous people with dysgraphia

Following on from my post on famous people with dyslexia, I have put together a list of famous people with dysgraphia. Dyslexia and dysgraphia often go hand in hand and because of this, many people won’t realise that dysgraphia is actually a separate issue. In the...

Dyslexia Style Guide

This simple dyslexia style guide is part of my ‘Dyslexia in the classroom’ series of posts. Download the guide, print it out and share it with your child’s teacher as well as with anyone who is involved in the education and development of your child. Use this...

Fine motor skills activities – how to help your child

If your child has difficulties with tasks such as writing, drawing and cutting, it is highly likely they have poor fine motor skills. It is these skills which allow us to control the small muscles in our hands and wrists with ease. Fine motor skills activities include...