Online chat – common acronyms

Do you have a grasp on the latest online chat? Do you know what your kids are saying to each other? Now is not the time to be ignorant… It’s so important you’re aware of what they’re saying and to who. Kids use the internet in ways we can...

Organisation and rote learning with dyslexia

Dyslexia is so much more than just reading and spelling difficulties. Rote learning with dyslexia is a really difficult task. However, the following are also problematic: Sense of direction/sequence Sequencing tasks Telling the time on an analogue clock Maths problem...

Support other mums – Mama don’t preach

There’s a trend at the minute and unfortunately, it does not support other mums. Instead, it is getting increasingly common to share ‘informative’ articles concerned with the mental well-being of our children (in particular young, pre-school children). Advising us how...

Writing, spelling and dyslexia

In my last blog focusing on how to teach a child with dyslexia to read at home, I looked at common reading issues associated with dyslexia and how as parents we can help. Today I’m going to look at writing, spelling and dyslexia (specifically related to primary-age...

How to teach a child with dyslexia to read

What does it mean? Finding out you have a child with dyslexia is the start of a long journey – with many ups and downs. I’ve been there – I still am! You might be anxious, confused and feel helpless. However, with the right support and knowledge, you...