FAQ about dyslexia
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about dyslexia.
If however you don’t find your questions answered, feel free to contact me at any time.
What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is essentially a language based difficulty. People with dyslexia struggle with language skills, specifically reading and spelling. However issues with pronunciation, writing and learning by rote are often present. It has nothing to do with intelligence, but does present problems for students as phonics-based learning is difficult and in most schools, there are no other alternatives. For information and advice on multi-sensory learning strategies, click here. In its more severe forms, a student with dyslexia may qualify for special educational needs with specific instruction and accommodations. However, for most children, it need not be a barrier to them achieving anything in life they wish to do. It is a different way of seeing the world. This list of famous people with dyslexia will inspire every child.
What causes dyslexia?
The exact causes of dyslexia are still not completely clear, but dyslexia is a result of how a brain is organised. When we learn to read, it’s important to make a connection between the printed letters and the spoken word. These are then fixed into long term memory for reading to become fluent. Those with dyslexia struggle with making these connections. The exact cause of why this happens is unknown, however the combination of new research and technology have identified some of the differences found in the brains of people with dyslexia. Dyslexia is thought to be hereditary with many studies taking place across the world for the genetic basis of dyslexia. It is important to remember that dyslexia is not caused by a lack of intelligence or the desire to learn. Ever wondered how your child sees the world? Click here to get a rare glimpse at how your child may view the world
Can dyslexia be cured?
In short, no – dyslexia is a lifelong condition. However, with appropriate support and the correct teaching techniques, children (and adults) with dyslexia will learn to read, write and spell. With the right accommodations at school, support at school and home and specialist teaching methods, dyslexia will become far less debilitating and there is no reason why your child cannot succeed in their studies and beyond. However without support, many children with dyslexia will become increasingly frustrated, suffer from low self-esteem and struggle throughout their adult life. Looking for inspiration? Click here for a list of potential careers for children with dyslexia.
Will my child grow out of dyslexia?
As above, the short answer is no. It is a lifelong condition, but with the right support put in place as early as possible, dyslexia need never hold your child back from anything they want to do. Find a list of inspirational people with dyslexia here.
How common is dyslexia?
It is estimated that between 5-10% of the population has dyslexia with some studies showing the number to be as high as 17%. It is one of the most common learning disabilities found in schools and is the most common cause of reading and spelling issues. Approximately 70-80% of people who struggle with reading will have some form of dyslexia. Click here to for a list of symptoms of dyslexia.
How do I know if my child is dyslexic?
Difficulty with learning to read words and spell could be a sign that your child is dyslexic. However, kids develop at their own pace so there’s no need to immediately worry if they are slower than their peers. Younger children with dyslexia will struggle when remembering the alphabet as well as when rhyming and dividing words. They may be reluctant to learn to read and become frustrated when they can’t vocalise what they want to say. Some children can hide their difficulties through memorising words. However, when they become overwhelmed by the amount of words they have to remember, the struggles will become clear. Put in very simple terms, if your child has obvious difficulty pronouncing, spelling and reading words which doesn’t improve over time, you should consider an assessment. We had Ella tested at 6 ½ which is about the earliest they will test in the UK. But we knew for a year or so before that she probably was. You know your child!
What are common signs of dyslexia?
- Poor letter recognition (preschool)
- Poor rhyming skills (preschool)
- Difficulty with decoding words
- Difficulty learning phonics
- Issues with spoken language but good comprehension skills
- Letter and number reversal (after the age of 7-8)
- Little understanding and usage of punctuation
- Incorrect words used in sentences
- Omission of words when reading out loud
- Difficulty reading certain font types (download a free dyslexia font here)
- Struggles when learning by rote
- Poor organisational skills
- Directional confusion
- Difficulty following instructions
- Illegible writing (Could also be a symptom of dysgraphia)
- Poor coordination (Could also be a symptom of dysgraphia)
- Poor self-esteem (in some children)
- Anxiety (in some children)
- Struggles to tell the time on an analogue clock
For a more in-depth look at spelling, writing and dyslexia, click here.
Are certain groups more likely to see higher level of dyslexia?
Dyslexia occurs in children of all intelligence levels, backgrounds, socioeconomic groups and ethnicities. However, those in high poverty areas are less likely to receive the support they need to overcome certain hurdles. Many children with dyslexia are extremely creative and intelligent and often more empathetic. Current studies show that dyslexia occurs equally in boys and girls – however some believe that girls hide their struggles better than boys so are either diagnosed later in childhood which can falsely inflate statistics.
Is it ever too late to get help for dyslexia?
It’s never too late! Children with dyslexia should be taught techniques that can be applied throughout their lifetime. However these same techniques can be taught at any time to any age. Programs involving multisensory learning techniques are proven to help adults as well as children. Early intervention is always better, but intervention at any time will of course be effective.
How can I start to get help and where do I go to get help?
If you are at all concerned about your child’s development, the first person to speak to is your child’s teacher. They may well have the same concerns. They will be able to connect your child to a professional in your area who can diagnose and suggest appropriate support, interventions, programs and anything else that is required. They will work together with your child’s school. You can also contact me here at any time for a free consultation. I am always happy to advise, listen and help.